One of the greatest contributions of the nursing profession is its ability to be a health advocator, as it spreads information and education, raises awareness, promote health, and prevent diseases. Indeed, organizing an informative seminar is one of their ways to promote health awareness and teach self-care.

In pursuit of heightening the knowledge regarding the most common hormonal condition, the group 3 of BSN 4-1 students conducted an informative seminar with the theme “PCOS on Focus: The Modern Female Epidemic” on Monday, 8th of January 2024, at the Climate Change R&D Hall.
Embracing the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) awareness advocacy of the fourth-year students, the venue was awash with more than 200 nursing students coming from the year level of II, III, IV to show support to the women struggling with this crippling condition.
Attendance and registration of the attendees starts on 8:00 a.m. led by the attendee committee, Ms. Angelyn Gallardo. Afterwards, the event was started at exactly 9:00 in the morning and the program was hosted by Mr. Allen Francis Estonactoc and Ms. Pearl Jasmine Garcia. The chairman of Group 3, Ms. Nica Mae Facun, also gives her opening remarks followed by Ms. Jasmine Ching Sai who introduces the distinguished resource speaker for the seminar.
ISU College of Medicine and Allied Health Professional’s Associate Professor, Angelica V. Domingo, MD, FPOGS, MMHOA, FPSMSI, served as the resource speaker of the said event. Dra. Angelica Domingo discuss the various aspects of the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, including its epidemiology, risk factors, complications, diagnostic procedures, preventive measures, and its medical treatment. To address the condition in clearer viewpoint, the resource speaker gives a various sample of case scenarios and ask the attendees to try answering the given question to assess their understanding regarding to the topic.
Associate Professor Dra. Angelica Domingo highlighted on its discussion that PCOS is one of the conditions with a complicated background as every patient can have a different signs and symptoms. She underscored that encountering a client with familiar manifestations of PCOS should not be concluded as PCOS immediately for it is necessary that the client must undergone with various diagnostic procedure before having a final verdict to its condition.
The resource speaker also stated that, “Even those working in medical field have this kind of condition. It is very common that the nurses and doctors is also struggling with this disease” emphasizing to the attendees that it is a kind of disease that anyone can have. Further she stresses out in the discussion that PCOS has no cure instead she stated that, “what we do as medical professional is to minimize and treat its complication,” increasing the awareness of the attendees regarding to the saddened information in regards to this hormonal condition.
Dra. Domingo ended her discussion complimenting that this kind of health seminar is a milestone to transcends a positive impact to the society and notices that attendees have an eagerness to be knowledgeable and become mindful in line with the PCOS condition.
An open forum has been initiated after the resource speaker’s discussion. The time allotted became efficient and meaningful as various students have been accommodated to answer and briefly explain to them their queries. In spite that the seminar is about the women health issues, various male attendees also raise their hands and express their question to Dra. Domingo. The resource speaker enlightens the attendees, who might be experiencing the sign and symptoms, to consult in an OB-GYN specialist stating that, “early detection can prevent its severe complication.”
Ms. Hannah Rendel Floresca and the committee awarded the resource speaker with certificate of appreciation and token. Afterwards, it was also awarded the following Clinical Instructors under the course of NUR 312.
Seminar won’t be ended without fun and excitement wherein; the committees have prepared various prizes and surprises games to the attendees. The game started with an ice breaker entitled as, “4 pics 1 word” in which, the pictures will be flash on the led wall and a cloth-shaped in circle will be thrown to the participants where to whom the cloth fell is the one who will have the chance to guess the photo shown in the screen.
To add more surprises, the committees put some mystery paper under to the attendees’ chairs and the lucky students who have paper under the chair, plays the game entitled, “Mystery Game” where questions are been extracted on the discussion of the resource speaker.
The seminar has been ended with lots of knowledge and the venue was been filled with fun and laughter. Moreover, the program was ended with the closing remarks of the program sub-committee, Ms. Alice Jane Ramos, expressing the heartfelt gratitude of Group 3 to the person behind the success of the seminar being conducted.
Anchored with the theme, “PCOS on Focus: The Modern Female Epidemic” it contributes to the SDG 3, Good Health and Well-being. Indeed, the seminar accomplished to aim its goal and objectiveness in heightening the awareness in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).
#OneISU #SDG3 #GoodHealthAndWell-being