The Isabela State University Main Campus joins this year’s First Quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake drill on March 9, 2023.
Read more: ISU-E joins Nationwide simultaneous Earthquake DrillThe earthquake drill aims to heighten public awareness on the dangers of earthquake hazard, educate the public on the importance of preparedness against earthquake hazards ,educate the public on the duck-cover-hold technique, encourage wider public participation to the earthquake drill, reinforce public perception on government unity in the campaign for national disaster preparedness, and utilize all available channels of communication to popularize the nationwide simultaneous earthquake drill.
Employees of the campus demonstrated the duck, cover, and hold technique as a means of survival during earthquakes, running towards the open ground of the Administration Building while covering their heads.
The Philippines is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, making it prone to earthquakes and other natural disasters. This makes it crucial for institutions like ISU to take part in disaster preparedness drills such as this one, in order to ensure the safety of their employees and students in the event of a natural disaster.