Good day, welcome to our gender and development corner
Welcome to the Office of Gender and Development, a beacon of progress and inclusivity in our quest to mainstream equality for all genders!
Our mission is to champion gender equality, advocate for social justice, and create a world where every individual, regardless of their gender, can thrive and reach their full potential.
We firmly believe that equality is not a distant dream, but an achievable reality that can be realized through concerted efforts and advocacy. Our dedicated team at the Office of Gender and Development, comprised of passionate and knowledgeable individuals, is at the forefront of this transformative journey.
Isabela State University as a leading Higher Education Institution in region 02 in mainstreaming gender and development.
Isabela State University is committed to mainstream Gender and Development concerns and issues in University’s major functions – Instruction, Research and Extension
P – romote and sharpen gender awareness and consciousness and other gender issues in and out of the ISU system
S – trengthen the ISU gender and advocacy programs
A – dvocate and advance the integration of gender concepts and concerns in academic curriculum/syllabi
L – ink and foster strong partnership with HEIs and LGUs in the region for gender issues and concerns
M – ainstream gender concepts and concerns in Instruction, Research and Extension